Contributor: Rebecca Highland. Lesson ID: 10371
"Star light, star bright . . . "
This child's rhyme brings up a good question: How bright are stars? Learn how and why stars shine!
Investigate how stars glow, why some stars glow brighter than others, and how stars create energy as you become an astronomer! Study the stars using a fact-filled video, star-studded images, and a fun activity and project.
Let's get started!
As you watch the video below to learn how stars glow and create energy, pause to take notes. Use the questions below as a guide.
Next, study this diagram of nuclear fusion. Notice how the hydrogen molecules smash or fuse to create helium. The energy then travels toward the star's surface as heat and light, giving the star its glow.
Finally, check out Hubble's Star Clusters: A collection of star clusters images by the Hubble Space Telescope.
Keep going in the Got It? section!