Skip Count by 7s!

Contributor: Stefani Allegretti. Lesson ID: 14150

Are you ready for a number adventure? Dive into the world of skip counting by 7s and see how it connects to multiplication! Get ready to hop, skip, and jump your way through this exciting lesson!


Counting and Cardinality, Elementary

learning style
Auditory, Visual
personality style
Otter, Golden Retriever
Grade Level
Intermediate (3-5)
Lesson Type
Quick Query

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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  • Have you ever seen a frog hop from lily pad to lily pad?

frog jumping from one lily pad to another

Sometimes, these little amphibians can even skip over a lily pad or two!

  • Do you think they could skip over more than that?

Probably not! But in math, you can hop over lots of numbers, even 7!

  • Are you ready to skip count by 7s?

Hop in!

Time to check in with skip counting!

Imagine if a frog didn’t just hop from one lily pad to the next but jumped all the way to the 7TH lily pad!

Then, from the 7TH lily pad to the 14TH!

And from the 14TH one to the 21ST!

Wow! This is just like skip counting by 7s.

When you skip count by 7s, you go from 7 to 14 to 21 to 28 and keep going.

Check out this fun sing-along about skip counting by 7s.

Image - Video

Now, look at the hundreds chart below.

hundreds chart

  • Can you see what number to hop to after 7 when skip counting by 7s?

That's right! 14.

Now, try skip counting by 7 to the next number.

  • Did you find it?

It's 21! Great work!

Keep practicing! See how far you can skip count by 7s.

Skip Counting and Multiplication

  • Do you know skip counting and multiplication are best buddies?

Time to find out why!

Multiplication is a super-fast way to add the same number again and again.

When you skip count by 7s, it's just like multiplying by 7!

For example, if you skip count to 7, it is just like saying 7 x 1.


If you skip count to 21, it is just like saying 7 x 3. If you skip count to 28, it is just like saying 7 x 4.

So cool!

Look at the multiplication chart below.

7 times table multiplication chart

  • Can you see why skip counting by 7s and multiplication are best buddies?

Skip counting by 7 is just like multiplying by 7!

Next, sing along with a fun multiplication song!

Image - Video

Way to go, math superstar!

Now, hop over to the Got It? section for some more math fun!

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