Crossing the Finish Line

Contributor: Suzanne Riordan. Lesson ID: 13976

You've written a fine opinion essay. Now it's time to bring it to a close. How do you "go out with a bang" and give your readers something to think about? The clues to a great conclusion are here!



English / Language Arts
learning style
personality style
Grade Level
Intermediate (3-5)
Lesson Type
Dig Deeper

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  • When you run a race, is it more important to have a good take-off or a strong finish at the end?

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If you answered, "a good take-off," you'd be right!

And if you answered, "a strong finish," you'd be right there, too!

A good ending is just as important as a good beginning.

Think about finishing an essay. The end of an essay is called the conclusion. A conclusion aims to wrap up your essay in a way that helps the reader remember it and understand why you wrote it.

If you were trying to prove something, it can show the reader that you accomplished that!

There are several different ways to approach your conclusion. Here are some possibilities.

Restate the Introduction

One way to write your conclusion is to draw your reader's mind back to the introduction. But don't just copy what you wrote earlier. State it in a slightly different way.

"As I stated at the beginning, dogs make much better pets than cats."

Focus on the Main Idea and Its Importance

Another method is to restate your main idea and explain why it's important. Answer the question, "Why should the reader care?"

"Many people are looking for the perfect pet for their family, and dogs are a great choice."

Review Some of the Examples

Reviewing some of the examples you gave in your essay helps the reader remember them and conclude that you proved your argument.

"Remember that dogs bark to warn you when a stranger is approaching!"

Give the Reader Something More to Think About or Do

Leaving the reader with an interesting thought or a task to accomplish is a great way to end your essay. It will help your ideas to stay in their minds.

"If you're interested, research different dog breeds to find which one would work for your family."

dog and cat

  • Are you ready to practice what you've learned about conclusions?

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