Contributor: Delaine Thomas. Lesson ID: 12427
The word "noun" is a noun. Isn't that interesting? The word "verb" is a noun, too. Joking aside, nouns are very important, so a concrete review is helpful. And learn about a bunch of collective nouns!
What name did you give the above collection of people?
When you give a name to a collection of people, animals, or things, you are using collective nouns. In this lesson, you will be reviewing collective nouns as well as concrete and abstract nouns.
If you missed or want a refresher on the first Related Lesson in this Nouns series, find it in the right-hand sidebar.
Before you get into concrete and abstract nouns, take a moment to review what a noun is. A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea. A common noun is a word that names something in a general way.
For example, boy and lake are common nouns and could mean any boy or any lake.
A proper noun is a word that gives a more specific name to the person, place, or thing, and begins with a capital letter.
For example, John and Lake Tahoe are proper nouns.
Take out a piece of paper and a pencil. As you watch Harry Judd's Concrete Nouns Vs. Abstract Nouns, write down the definition of concrete and abstract nouns, and give an example of each:
A concrete noun names something you can see or touch. Some of the examples in the video for concrete noun were clock, bed, pillow, and calendar.
An abstract noun names something that you cannot see or touch. Some of the examples for abstract nouns were time, sleep, dream, and year.
Collective nouns name a collection of people, animals, and things:
Remember, nouns are an important part of speech. They are usually the subject of the sentence. They can also be the direct object, and object of the preposition.
Let's review before we move on.
Were you able to explain each kind of noun?
Continue to the Got It? section to practice what you have learned!