Contributor: Brian Anthony. Lesson ID: 12301
How do people show off today? Maybe by the brand of smartphone or model car or the name on their pants, or maybe their muscles. See what happens when rulers of nations want to impress their peers!
Believe it or not, this building is a house! How does this house compare with your own house? What kind of people do you think live in a place like this?
The most common way of finding a new leader in modern countries is to hold an election.
The citizens of the country get to choose a leader. For much of history, though, that was not the case. Monarchy, or rule by a king or queen, was a very common form of government. The role of leader would pass from parent to child, then from that person to his or her child, and so on. The role of leader would get passed down through a family. In many places, the rule of a powerful family over a long period of time is called a dynasty.
The nation of Iran has had many dynasties throughout its history. In this lesson, you are going to learn about just one of those dynasties, the Qajar Dynasty. Before getting ahead of ourselves, let’s check out the map of the important places in this story of the Qajar Dynasty. Take a look at the map below and find the following information:
Share the map with your parent or teacher and point to the places you found, then discuss these questions together:
Different languages have their own word for “king.” In the Persian language of Iran, that word is "Shah."
In the Got It? section, learn about the court of the Qajar Shahs and the beautiful palace from which they ruled.