The Outsiders Lesson 8

Contributor: Kristen Gardiner. Lesson ID: 10887

People often engage in blameshifting. Maybe they blame the environment, parents, or friends for their behavior. In the end, we are responsible for our own decisions. Aren't we?


Literary Studies

learning style
personality style
Golden Retriever
Grade Level
Middle School (6-8)
Lesson Type
Quick Query

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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Explore the following presentation on Chapter 11 of The Outsiders.

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Think about the primary differences between the Greasers and the Socs.

  • Do you think one group comprises individuals with a higher sense of moral standards than the other?

Chapter 11 is one of hope. Things have changed very quickly for Ponyboy during the last few days, but he has come to some significant realizations about himself as an individual and about his family.

As Ponyboy is waking from his illness and concussion, it becomes obvious that he has a group of individuals who genuinely love and care for him, including his brothers and Two-Bit.

He then begins to think about Bob, contextualizing him as a human rather than just a Soc. He recalls Randy's words regarding the way Bob is treated at home.

Refer back to that section of Chapter Seven when Randy talks about how someone should have said "No" to Bob.

  • What exactly does Randy mean?
  • Why do you think Bob acted the way he did?
  • Do you think he was a true friend to Randy and the other Socs?
  • How does Cherry fit into the picture?

Compare your thoughts to the sample answers below.

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As Ponyboy reflects on Bob the person, Randy comes to talk to Ponyboy regarding the trial and states that he has every intention to tell the truth.

Between moments of clarity and genuine empathy shared between the two boys, Pony insists that it was he, and not Johnny, who killed Bob.

  • Why do you think Pony says this?
  • Does he believe it?

Continue to the Got It? section to explore further.

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