Informative Writing: The Nifty Fifty Brochure

Contributor: Kristen Gardiner. Lesson ID: 10514

Did you know Maine produces 99% of America's blueberries? Learn how to use informative writing to share fun facts like this when you pick a state to research and create a brochure!



English / Language Arts
learning style
Auditory, Visual
personality style
Golden Retriever
Grade Level
Intermediate (3-5)
Lesson Type
Dig Deeper

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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  • Have you ever visited or lived in one of America's 50 states?
  • Which one or ones?
  • What made it special?

Watch the video below to hear people talk about what makes their state unique!

Image - Video


  • Had you heard any of those fun facts before?

They aren't the facts you would learn in an American History class! In this lesson, you will explore all sorts of facts about a state you chose and create a brochure to showcase it.

Informative Writing and the Nifty Fifty

When you write about factual information that does not express any opinion on the topic, it is called informative writing, which falls under a more broad category of writing called expository writing.

Before you begin informative writing, you must make a few critical decisions. Before you pick your topic, you need to know your audience, purpose, and presentation mode.

You already know that you will be writing to inform, yet informative writing can take many forms. Think about all the daily materials you may read, or at least quickly glimpse, that give information.

If you're having difficulty thinking of examples, investigate with the Informative Writing in Every Room worksheet found under the Downloadable Resources in the right-hand sidebar.

  1. Look for various examples of informative writing in your home. Check out newspapers, product labels, textbooks, and just about anything with words that may be lying on a counter, a table, or a shelf.
  • Is its purpose to entertain or tell a story, or does it simply provide you with information?
  1. Complete the worksheet with items that simply provide information.
  • Did you find several good examples of informative writing, like non-biased news articles, instructions, ingredient lists, catalogs, and menus?


Head over to the Got It? section to select a topic for your informative writing brochure!

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