Contributor: Elephango Editors. Lesson ID: 10397
Is the study of history just about dull facts? Or is it more about examining and analyzing those facts? Through video and online activities you will learn the importance of proper historical thinking!
People have been debating these questions for many years, and they look to historians to help find the answers.
Historical thinking is a way of looking at history that views it as more of a mystery to be solved than a long list of events that happened in the past!
Many historical issues can get very complicated and take years or even decades to study, so historians have to be very careful about their work.
But even if you don't want to be a historian, learning the skills of historical thinking will better prepare you to analyze what you read on any topic. The skills necessary for historical thinking are transferable, meaning you'll be able to use them in other subjects and parts of your life as well!
So, let's get started!
What are some of the elements of historical thinking?
Let's watch an example of historical thinking!
As you watch Piscataway Park and Tobacco Farming, from Teaching History, take notes on the historical thinking that went into setting up this colonial farmhouse display.
You'll need these notes to complete the Got It? section, so hang on to them!
When you are ready to test your knowledge, head over to the Got It? section.