Capitalization of Proper Nouns - Review

Contributor: Elephango Editors. Lesson ID: 10308

When you read the newspaper, do you find errors? Ever wish you could correct them? Jake's story is a mess, and you can learn to fix the proper nouns with online practice and rewriting the story!



English / Language Arts
learning style
personality style
Golden Retriever
Grade Level
Intermediate (3-5), Middle School (6-8)
Lesson Type
Skill Sharpener

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It was 6:00 a.m., and the phone began to ring. Surprised by the sound, Jake sprang out of bed and answered it. It was his Grandma.

"Oh Jake," she sobbed into the phone, "I have some terrible news!"

"What's the matter, Grandma?" Jake asked, worried.

"I just read the newspaper, and the front page is all about the Veteran's Day parade," Grandma sniffed.

"Why is that terrible news, Grandma? That's great news!" Jake was confused. Maybe he was dreaming, he thought to himself.

"Oh Jake, It's terrible because they made your grandfather a common noun!" Grandma cried.

"Huh?" replied Jake.

"The whole article, it's a mess, and your grandfather . . . a common noun!" Jake's Grandma began sobbing again.

"Don't worry, Grandma, I'll get a copy of the article and get to the bottom of this!"

Before We Can Help Jake, We Need to Review

We all know by now that nouns name people, places, things, animals, and sometimes ideas (like thought or dream).

Common nouns name any non-specific person, place, thing or animal. For example: the boy, the singer, the movie, and the city.

Proper nouns point out specific people, places, and things. To show that these people, places, and things are special and specific, we capitalize the first letter of all names and titles, even in the middle of a sentence.

For example, the boy becomes Jake, the singer becomes Taylor Swift, the movie becomes Star Wars, and the city becomes New York City.

Proper nouns also include days of the week, months of the year, holidays, names of churches and other organizations, titles,such as mayor if written before a name, planets . . . any words that point to a specific person, place, or thing.

Let's Try a Quick Practice Sentence Using Two or More Proper Nouns

Underline each proper noun you use.

Example: For his ninth birthday, Jake and his family went to New York City and saw the new Star Wars movie.

Don't forget to capitalize the first word in your sentence and add the correct punctuation at the end!

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