Comparing and Contrasting With Double Bubble Maps

Contributor: Victoria Surface. Lesson ID: 10267

Compare and contrast similarities and differences for people, bats, and bugs, using double bubble maps, online resources and videos, and fun and creative projects!



learning style
personality style
Lion, Beaver
Grade Level
Intermediate (3-5)
Lesson Type
Dig Deeper

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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  • Do you like to figure skate or play ice hockey?

Both sports occur on ice rinks but use different skates. Watch the short video below to learn more!

Image - Video

You can compare so many things just like the video did!

  • How are football and soccer similar, for example?
  • Or what is the difference between apples and oranges?

Keep reading to learn an easy way to compare and contrast!

A double bubble map is a graphic organizer, or concept map, used to compare and contrast the similarities and differences of two things.

You can use graphic organizers to compare and contrast objects, people, and just about anything, such as the following.

  • you and a friend
  • football and soccer
  • apples and oranges
  • bats and bugs

Graphic organizers and concept maps help you gain a better understanding of text. These aids show relationships between events or things.

The circles in the middle of the double bubble are for the similarities between the two things. The circles on the outside are for the differences.

For example, when comparing apples and oranges, a similarity (or center circle) is they both have seeds. A difference (or outer circle) is that an apple is red, and an orange is, well, orange.

Watch the two videos below to explore comparing and contrasting using double bubble maps.

Image - Video

Next, look at the Double Bubble Maps to Compare and Contrast examples located in the Downloadable Resources in the right-hand sidebar.

Answer the following questions based on the concept maps before checking them against the Double Bubble Maps to Compare and Contrast Answer Key (Downloadable Resources).

Renato and Lisa Double Bubble Map Questions

  • What are the similarities between Renato and Lisa? In other words, what do they have in common?

  • What character traits does Renato have that Lisa does not?

  • What character traits does Lisa have that Renato does not?

Spiders and Bats Double Bubble Map Questions

  • What are the similarities between spiders and bats? In other words, what do they have in common?

  • What qualities do spiders have that bats do not?

  • What qualities do bats have that spiders do not?

Spiders and Insects Double Bubble Map Questions

  • What are the similarities between spiders and insects? In other words, what do they have in common?

  • What qualities do spiders have that insects do not?

  • What qualities do insects have that spiders do not?

Now, use the Graphic Organizer - Double Bubble Map to compare and contrast two different things (Downloadable Resources).

The following are some things you can compare on the double bubble map.

  • you and a friend
  • two types of fruit, such as an apple and a pumpkin
  • two types of animals, such as a dog and a cat
  • two of your friends
  • two characters in a book
  • two jobs, such as police officer and firefighter

You can use pictures, drawings, and text for this activity.

When you are finished, share your double bubble map with a friend or family member and explain the similarities and differences of the two things you compared!

Then, head to the Got It? section for more practice.

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