Race to the Top: Mastering Number Order

Contributor: Laquita Collins. Lesson ID: 14126

Join the exciting adventure of ordering numbers! Help numbers go from biggest to smallest or smallest to biggest. Solve fun challenges, compare numbers, and become a number-ordering champ!


Elementary, Math

learning style
Kinesthetic, Visual
personality style
Lion, Beaver, Golden Retriever
Grade Level
Primary (K-2)
Lesson Type
Quick Query

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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Hello, number champ!

  • Are you ready for a fun number adventure?

Before you dive in, solve this quick riddle.

  • I'm in line, but not for fun.
  • I start with the smallest and climb one by one.
  • Flip me around, and the biggest you'll see.
  • What am I? Can you guess me?

Hint: It’s all about ordering numbers!

numbers appearing in order from 1 to 10

Now that you’ve got your thinking cap on, it’s time to dive into the world of ordering numbers!

  • Have you ever lost your place in line?

Just like you, numbers need help finding their spost too!

With place value, you can help numbers find their spot, whether you're counting from biggest to smallest or smallest to biggest.

This is called ordering numbers.

Imagine you have 3 boxes of toys. One box has 100 toys. Another box has 10 toys. The last box has just 1 toy.

  • Which box is the biggest?

That's right. The box with the 100 toys!

  • Which box is the smallest?

You got it. The box with 1 toy!

When you order numbers from biggest to smallest, you start with the biggest and slide down.

But, when you order from smallest to biggest, you start small and go up.

This makes ordering numbers not just easy but also a lot of fun!

Dive in and get ready to order numbers up to 1,000.

Check out this handy place value chart to help you.

image of 852 place value chart

Hundreds place shows the biggest number: 8.

Tens place tells you how many tens there are: 5.

Ones place shows the smallest number: 2.

Biggest to Smallest

Now, look at these three numbers: 441, 530, and 614.

To compare these numbers from biggest to smallest, use place value charts!

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Comparing the Numbers

Start by looking at the hundreds place!

  • Which number has the bigger hundreds place?

Great job! The number 614 has 6 in the hundreds place, making it the biggest number.

Next, compare 441 and 530.

The hundred place for 441 is 4.

The hundred place for 530 is 5.

Since 5 is bigger than 4, that makes 530 the next biggest number!

That leaves 441, which is the smallest number.

So, when you order the numbers from biggest to smallest, you have 614, 530, and 441.

Fantastic job! You know how to order numbers from biggest to smallest.

  • Are you ready to give it a try?

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Yay! You did it!

Now, it's time to order the numbers from smallest to biggest!

Smallest to Biggest

Take the same three numbers: 441, 530, and 614.

To compare these numbers from smallest to biggest, start by checking the hundreds place.

  • Which number has the smallest number in the hundreds place?

Awesome job! The number 441 has 4 in the hundreds place, making it the smallest number.

Next, compare 614 and 530.

The hundreds place for 530 is 5.

The hundreds place for 614 is 6.

Since 5 is smaller than 6, 530 is the next number!

Finally, the biggest number is 614.

So, when you order the numbers from smallest to biggest, you have 441, 530, and 614.

Yay! You know how to order numbers from smallest to biggest.

  • Are you ready to give it a go?

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You did a fantastic job!

Here's a Cool Tip!

Sometimes, when comparing numbers, you might find that they have the same hundreds place.

This means they are equal in size!

For example, look at 921 and 937.

They both have 9 in the hundreds place.

  • So what do you do?

You check the tens place!

The tens place for 921 is 2.

The tens place for 937 is 3.

Since 3 is bigger than 2, that means 937 is the bigger number!

So remember, if the hundreds places are the same, check the tens place to find the winner. It's like a treasure hunt where you dig deeper to find the biggest treasure!

  • Can you guess which number is the biggest: 954, 933, 987?

Think it through before you check.

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Awesome work, number champ!

Ordering numbers is super important in real life, too.

Imagine you're stacking your toys from smallest to biggest or biggest to smallest — that's just like ordering numbers. It helps you stay organized and figure out things like who goes first or which number is bigger or smaller.

You're truly a number champ!

Great job on ordering numbers up to 1,000. Now, travel to the Got it? section to test out your skills.

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