Skip Counting by Sixes

Contributor: Joanna D'Orazio Mignella. Lesson ID: 14143

Did you know skip counting can make solving multiplication facts faster? Try practicing counting by sixes to see how quickly you can master it!


Elementary, Math

learning style
Auditory, Kinesthetic, Visual
personality style
Lion, Otter
Grade Level
Intermediate (3-5)
Lesson Type
Quick Query

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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  • Have you ever had a fresh, warm bagel for breakfast?

Yum! Bagels are such tasty treats that you can find at bakeries and grocery stores everywhere.

  • But here's something cool — did you know that bagels are often sold in groups of six?

That’s called a half dozen! Imagine buying six bagels and having one for each school weekday with an extra for Saturday.

Check out this fun video. You’ll be craving a delicious bagel in no time!

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Mmm! Bagels are so yummy to eat!

closeup of bagels in a bakery

Picture this—you’re at your favorite bagel shop, ready to grab some tasty bagels. You order a half dozen plain bagels, a half dozen cinnamon raisin, and a half dozen everything bagels.

Since a half dozen means six bagels, you’ve got three sets of six.

  • But wait…how many bagels is that in total?

You can skip count to find out! Skip counting means counting by the same number each time.

Here, you are counting by 6s.

6, 12, 18

You ordered 18 bagels!

  • See how quick that was?

Skip counting by sixes makes counting faster and easier.

Read the numbers listed below aloud.

numbers 0 through 60 skip-counted by 6s

Great job!

  • Do you see a pattern when you skip count by 6s?

Yes! Every number ends in 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0.

  • Cool, right?

Next time you order bagels, you can count them up in no time!

  • Ready to practice a little more?

Check out this fun video and sing along as you count by sixes!

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Wonderful job singing along!

Skip counting by sixes can help you multiply numbers by 6.

  • Can you use skip counting to multiply 4 x 6?

Yes! 4 x 6 means you have four groups of six.

Skip count by sixes to find the answer: 6, 12, 18, 24. So, 4 x 6 = 24.

  • Can you use skip counting to solve 7 x 6?

Yes! That’s seven groups of six.

Try writing out the numbers when you skip count, then turn over the card below to check your answer!

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Great job! You’re getting the hang of skip counting by sixes.

Now head to the Got It? section for more skip-counting fun!"

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