Addition and Subtraction Connections

Contributor: Stefani Allegretti. Lesson ID: 14118

Addition and subtraction are connected, like opposite sides of a coin! Get ready to make some math connections!


Elementary, Whole Numbers and Operations

learning style
Auditory, Visual
personality style
Golden Retriever
Grade Level
Primary (K-2)
Lesson Type
Skill Sharpener

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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  • Have you ever seen a penny?

One side has a picture of Abraham Lincoln. He was the 16th president of the United States!

The other side has a different picture.

two sides of a penny

Each side of the penny is different but is still part of the same coin!

Subtraction and addition are like that!

They are connected, just like the two sides of a penny!

  • Are you ready to explore the connection between addition and subtraction?

Get ready, get set, go!

Time to explore the connection between addition and subtraction!

Addition is so much fun!

When you add, you have more than you had before!

Imagine you have five marbles in a bag, and you get two more.

  • How many marbles do you have altogether?

Add them to find out!

5 marbles + 2 marbles = 7 marbles!

adding 5 plus 2 marbles

Addition is so much fun!

Now, try subtraction using the same numbers!

Subtracting is taking something away from the total.

When you subtract, you have less than you had before.

There are 7 marbles in the bag.

You take 5 marbles out.

  • How many marbles are in the bag now?

There are 2 marbles left!

Seven marbles minus five

7 marbles - 5 marbles = 2 marbles

Look at the addition problem and the subtraction problem together.

5 + 2 = 7

7 - 2 = 5

  • Can you see the connection?

The math problems are the opposite of each other.

The numbers are just switched around.

Watch the video to explore this connection more!

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Move on to the Got It? section for more math fun!

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