Subtraction Superhero: The Adventure of Taking Away Nine

Contributor: Laquita Collins. Lesson ID: 14107

Join an exciting mission to master subtracting 9! With fun challenges and real-world connections, use your math powers to solve problems and become a subtraction superhero. Ready to save the day?



learning style
Auditory, Visual
personality style
Beaver, Golden Retriever
Grade Level
Primary (K-2)
Lesson Type
Quick Query

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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Hello, Subtraction Superhero

  • Are you ready to be a math hero?

First, solve this riddle!

  • I'm a sneaky number that likes to hide.
    Subtract me; see what's left inside.
    I'm one less than ten; I vanish so fine.
    Can you guess what number I am this time?

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Keep going to set off on your subtracting 9 adventure.

Hello, young superhero!

  • Are you ready for a fun adventure with numbers?

Learn how to take away the number 9!

Just like superheroes have special tools, you'll use tens and ones as your special helpers.

These helpers will make it super easy to subtract 9 and become a math hero!

Superhero Block Challenge!

Alright, superhero, get ready for action!

Look at these blocks.

ten blocks

  • How many blocks do you see?

Count the blocks as you jump like a frog: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!

That's right — 10 blocks!

Now, use your superhero powers to make 9 blocks disappear!


  • How many blocks are left?

one block

Count the leftover blocks: 1!

Awesome job! You have 1 block left because you took away 9 blocks from a group of 10 blocks.

Always remember: When you subtract 9 from 10, you're left with 1.

This shows how numbers can be broken down into tens and ones.

Now, watch this cool video to see how fun it can be to take away 9 from a number.

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  • Wasn't that fun?

You learned how exciting it is to subtract 9 from a number!

The Library Adventure!

Imagine you're at the Library and see 12 colorful books on the shelf.

12 colorful books

Oh no! You accidentally bump into the shelf, and 9 books fall to the floor!

Now, you need to use your superpowers to find out how many books are still on the shelf.

Look at the clues.

Clue 1: There were 12 books on the shelf.

Clue 2: 9 books fell off.

To find out how many books are still on the shelf, you have to subtract 9 from 12!

Try drawing a picture to help.

Draw 12 books.

Cross out 9 books to show they fell.

This drawing will help you see how many books are still on the shelf.

  • How many books are still on the shelf?

Think it through before you check your answer!

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Fantastic job! There are 3 books left on the shelf!

  • Guess what?

Taking away is helpful in real life, too!

It helps you know how many things you have left after you give away some of your snacks or toys to friends!

  • Did you know using a number line is another cool way to subtract?

It's like following a secret path to find the answer!

Watch this fun video to see how easy it is to take away 9 on a number line!

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  • Wasn't that great?

You learned how to subtract using a number line.

A number line is cool because it helps you see how numbers go forward and backward.

Taking away on a number line is like taking steps back.

The Number Line Adventure!

Imagine you are at a cookie store with your friends.

You get 14 yummy cookies.

You give 9 cookies to your friends.

  • How many cookies do you have left?

Use the number line to find out!

number line

Pretend your finger is a hopping kangaroo.

Place your finger on number 14 on the number line.

Now, hop backward 9 spots.

Hop, hop, hop!

  • Which number did your kangaroo land on?

Amazing! You landed on number 5.

That's how many cookies you have left!

  • Are you ready to practice?


Use the number line above to help your kangaroo hop to the answer.

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Wow! It was so cool using your fingers to hop like a kangaroo.

Fantastic job!

Now you understand how to take away 9 from numbers under 20.

Fly to the Got it? section to test out your super skills!

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