Contributor: Stefani Allegretti. Lesson ID: 14061
It's true! Check out this haiku animation.
This animation shows a haiku in a visual way with images as well as words.
Haiku poetry can be represented as an animation and audio recording, which is what you will get to create in this lesson! Let's begin!
Haikus are one of the shortest and most ancient forms of poetry, originating in Japan.
Haikus are unique because they only have three lines with a specific number of syllables in each line.
Haiku poetry is fun to create and read and often has deep meaning. Many haiku poems are about nature or the natural world.
Watch the following video to learn more.
The syllable pattern in haikus makes them especially fun to read out loud.
Watch the beginning of the video below to see two examples of spoken haikus.
It is important to read the haiku slowly and clearly. You may want to pause for a moment after each line as well.
Before you record the haiku by Yosa Buson below, practice reading it a few times out loud.
When ready, follow these steps to record your haiku in the space below. [IMPORTANT NOTE: If your browser does not allow recording, use another online resource or smartphone.]
Great job!
Continue recording poetry in the Got It? section!