Happy, Happy Hundreds

Contributor: Amy White. Lesson ID: 13994

Poor number one; it's such a lonely number . . . until you place a couple of zeros next to it! A valuable thing about numbers is their place value. Examine three-digit numbers and place value meaning.



learning style
Auditory, Visual
personality style
Beaver, Golden Retriever
Grade Level
Primary (K-2)
Lesson Type
Quick Query

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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The math test is sad because it has 100 problems.

Think about the number one hundred and the numbers that make it up.

  • How many digits are in that number?
  • What do you think each digit means?

Suppose you have two puzzles. One puzzle has 100 pieces; the other has 500 pieces.

  • Which puzzle will take the longest to complete?
  • Why do you think so?

Understanding place values in our number system will help you understand numbers better, which will help you answer questions like these.

Watch the video below to understand better place value and numbers up to the hundreds place.

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Our number system uses digits and place values to create numbers, big and small.

The placement of digits in a number determines its size. In other words, it determines the number's value.

The first three digits of a three-digit number represent hundreds, tens, and ones. The ones place is the furthest to the right, the tens place is to the left of the ones place, and the hundreds place is to the left.

You were asked which puzzle would probably take the longest to complete: the 100-piece or 500-piece puzzle.

If you answered the 500-piece puzzle, you're on the right track to understanding place value up to the hundreds place.

If there are 500 pieces in one puzzle and 100 pieces in the other, then the 500-piece puzzle would most likely take longer to complete because it has more hundreds than the other puzzle. This means it has more pieces.

You can see these two amounts' differences by representing them with place value blocks.

a place value chart for 100 and 500

Understanding the place value of numbers helps you know how large or small a number is.

This will help you understand many things, such as distances from place to place, amounts of money, and costs of items at the store.

It will help you understand how long a book is based on the number of pages in that book or how giant a puzzle is by the number of pieces in that puzzle.

  • Can you think of other ways that understanding place value will help you in your life?

Numbers can be as small as one, or they can be a lot larger. Zoom in on the place value of hundreds.

a cartoon dog looking at the number 100 through a magnifying glass

Remember, digits are used to create numbers. The digits are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9.

The number's location of digits affects that number's value.

Look at this using a place value chart.

A place value chart showing the number 412. The four is in the hundreds place, the one is in the tens place, and the two is in the ones place.

  • There is a 2 in the ones place, which means there are 2 ones
  • There is a 1 in the tens place, which means there is one ten
  • There is a 4 in the hundreds place, which means there are 4 hundreds

The number is 412.

When digits are used to write a number, it is called standard form

Look at another example of a number using the place value chart.

A place value chart showing the number 100. The one is in the hundreds place, the zero is in the tens place, and the zero is in the ones place.

There is a 0 in the ones place.

  • How many ones are there?

The answer is 0 ones! Great job!

There is a 0 in the tens place.

  • How many tens are there?

The answer here is 0 tens! Super!

There is a 1 in the hundreds place.

  • How many hundreds are there?

The answer is just 1 hundred! Excellent!

Consider the number 100 for a minute. As you just examined, this number has 1 hundred, 0 tens, and 0 ones.

  • Which number has 2 hundreds, 0 tens, and 0 ones?

If you answered 200, then you are correct!

Since there is a 2 in the hundreds place, you know there are precisely 2 hundreds. There is a 0 in the tens place and in the ones place, meaning the number has 2 hundreds, no tens, and no ones.

Important: If a number does not have tens or ones, you must still put a 0 in its place values to show this.

Now, give your brain a workout.

  • Which number has 8 hundreds, 0 tens, and 0 ones?

If you answered 800, you understand place values involving hundreds, tens, and ones. Try one more.

  • Which number has 9 hundreds, 0 tens, and 0 ones?

If you answered 900, then give yourself a pat on the back! You've got this!

Consider another 3-digit number.

  • Using the digits 1, 2, and 3, what is the smallest 3-digit number you could make?

If you answered 123, then you're correct!

This number has 3 ones, 2 tens, and 1 hundred. You can tell this by looking at the digit in each place value of the number.

The number 123 in a place-value chart

Check out what the number 123 looks like in base ten blocks.

The number 123 in a place-value chart with blocks

  • The 1 in the hundreds place is represented by 1 hundreds flat.
  • The 2 in the tens place is represented by 2 ten rods (or longs).
  • The 3 in the ones place is represented by 3 small cubes.
  • What is the largest number you can create using these same digits?

If you answered 321, then you're right!

The number 321 in a place-value chart.

  • Here, you have a 3 in the hundreds place because there are 3 hundreds.
  • There is a 2 in the tens place, which means the number has 2 tens.
  • The digit 1 is in the ones place, meaning there is only 1.

Here's what the number 321 looks like using base ten blocks.

The number 321 in a place-value chart with blocks.

  • The 3 in the hundreds place is represented by 3 hundreds flats.
  • The 2 in the tens place is represented by 2 ten rods (or longs).
  • The 1 in the ones place is represented by 1 small cube.

There are many ways to represent or write one hundred.

  • You can say it in word form: one hundred.
  • You could write it in standard form: 100.
  • You could represent it with place-value number blocks:
  The number 100 in a place-value chart with blocks.


Review all you have learned with the video below!

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Then, zoom over to the Got It? section for valuable practice with place value and the hundreds place.

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