Shape Puzzles

Contributor: Morgan Haney. Lesson ID: 13970

Have you ever put together a puzzle before? All the different shaped pieces come together to make one picture. Just like a puzzle, you can put together shapes to create new, bigger shapes!


Elementary, Plane Geometry (2D)

learning style
Kinesthetic, Visual
personality style
Grade Level
Primary (K-2)
Lesson Type
Skill Sharpener

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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Look at these shapes.

  • Do you know what they are called?

blue and red triangles


  • Did you know these two triangles can make another shape if you combine them?
  • Can you guess what shape they could make?

Together, these two triangles make a diamond!

If you flip the red triangle upside down and combine the bottom sides, they make a diamond.

Look at the big purple diamond!

diamond made up of two triangles

Keep reading to practice combining shapes to make bigger shapes. Then you'll get to make your own shape puzzle!

Just like pieces in a puzzle fit together to make one picture, shapes can fit together to make bigger shapes!

Before you learn how shapes can fit together, you must know a few new shapes.

The first new shape has a fancy name: a rhombus. It’s the same as a diamond, but it is called a rhombus in math.

This is a rhombus!

boy holding a rhombus

The second shape is called a trapezoid. It’s like a rectangle, but the top side is shorter, so the sides angle in.

This is a trapezoid!

boy holding a trapezoid

The last shape is called a hexagon. It has six sides and six corners.

This is a hexagon!

girl holding a hexagon

Great job learning these new shapes!

They will help you in the next part of the lesson, where you will use small shapes to make new, bigger shapes!

  • How do you use smaller shapes to make bigger shapes like the ones you just learned?

Watch the video below to find out!

Image - Video

Now, move to the Got It? section to practice making new shapes from the shapes you know!

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