Money: Nickels

Contributor: Samantha Penna. Lesson ID: 11674

Money is used to buy things. Some money is paper, and some is coins. Different coins can buy different things. What are nickels worth, and how do you add them up? Find out!


Measurement and Data

learning style
personality style
Grade Level
Primary (K-2)
Lesson Type
Quick Query

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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Watch the video below of a spinning coin.

Image - Video

  • What kind of coin was that?

That's right! It was a nickel.

This lesson is all about nickels!

  • Do you know who's on the front of the nickel and what monument is on the back?

Thomas Jefferson is the president on the front of the nickel. He is on the nickel because he was the third president and helped the United States create our money system.

Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's home in Virginia, is on the back of the nickel.

Nickels are money!

Nickels are worth five cents. You can write five cents in many ways.

Look at the different ways you can write five cents.

All nickels are worth five cents.

If you take multiple nickels and add them together, you add by fives. For example, if you had two nickels, you would add 5 plus 5, which equals 10.

Look at some ways nickels are added up below.

If you wanted to make a dollar using only nickels, you would need twenty nickels.

Twenty nickels are in a dollar because you would need five cents times twenty to create one hundred (100) cents.

You are doing such a great job.

Answer the question below.

Image - Video

Excellent work!

You are ready to move to the Got It? section and figure out the values of groups of nickels.

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