Let's Start to Learn About Finishing!

Contributor: Jennifer Blanchard. Lesson ID: 13893

Have you ever written a long paper before? Didn't you feel so good when you were near the end? But wait! You remembered you had to write a conclusion, and that was tough. Let's make it easier!



English / Language Arts
learning style
Auditory, Visual
personality style
Beaver, Golden Retriever
Grade Level
Intermediate (3-5)
Lesson Type
Quick Query

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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Read these endings to two different books.

Yeti Turn Out the Light

Too Much Glue

  • Aren't they so interesting?
  • Don't you wonder what happened before these endings?!

Keep reading to learn how you can make the endings to your writing this exciting!

  • What did you think of those story conclusions above?

Exciting conclusions make what we read (and write!) more interesting and help us remember it better.

  • How can you write conclusions like that?

We have just the steps to make it easy! Let's get started.

  • First of all, what is a conclusion?

A conclusion is the last sentence, sentences, or paragraph at the end of a writing piece.

  • Why do we have conclusions?

Conclusions remind readers what they just read by summarizing everything with different words. They also end the writing with purpose and give the reader a sense of closure by answering all the questions about the topic.

A good conclusion often leaves readers with a lasting thought or impression. It is like wrapping up your writing with a big bow!

  • Does your conclusion always have to be the same?


Many different conclusions will fit whatever type of writing you are doing. You can choose the one that works best in each piece of writing.

  • What are some different types of conclusions?

Let's review 11 different types!



compares the main idea to something else and then explains it


Having a special cousin in your life is like having a treasure that's precious for a lifetime.

  Without Statement


uses a "without" phrase to show how important your topic and main idea are


Without my coach, my soccer practices would be boring, and my weekends would be empty.

  Hope or Wish


ends with a hope or wish for the future


I am already looking forward to our next trip to the beach. I hope I don't have to wait too long for those sunny, happy days!

  Lesson Learned


describes what's learned while experiencing the topic of your writing


I learned that I shouldn't lie because it gets me into worse trouble. When something like this happens again, I will tell the truth. Things will turn out much better!

  Big Feeling


describes what you are feeling at the end of the story


I had never felt better. I love campfires more than anything else!

  Final Action


describes what actions are happening at the end of the story


I heard one last bang as I snuggled under my covers that night. The windows rattled, and the dog started barking. My thoughts went wild!

  Offer Advice


explains what you think someone else should do


Take it from me; if you ever find yourself locked out of your house, don't wait around. Do anything you can to get inside!



ends with someone speaking


"Watch out! A baseball is coming your way!"



includes a lot of details to "paint a picture" for your reader to visualize


The red and white stripes on the curtains, the red and white squares on the tables, and the cheesy, sizzling pizza on the table were just what I needed.



finishes with a question for your reader to think about


After all, how bad can it really be?

  Sound Effect


ends with onomatopoeia-sounds that your reader can hear


Smash! Boom! Bang!


  • Can you already tell which type of conclusion might be your favorite?

Let's keep moving right along to the Got It? section to try out some of these conclusions!

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