Let's Sort Objects!

Contributor: Stefani Allegretti. Lesson ID: 13856

There are many different things in the world — circles, squares, pizza, apples, dogs, cats, and more! Learn how to sort lots of things into groups!


Verbal Communication

English / Language Arts
learning style
Auditory, Visual
personality style
Grade Level
Primary (K-2)
Lesson Type
Quick Query

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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There are so many different and interesting things in the world!

Looking around, you see squares, circles, and triangles. You can see animals like cats, dogs, and birds!

You can see and taste different foods like apples, oranges, cookies, and more! Yum!


The things you see daily around you have special groups to which they belong.

You can sort them into their special groups!

These groups have unique names.

Learn more!

  • Do you see the circle?


  • Do you see the square?


  • Do you see the triangle?


  • How are these things (circles, squares, and triangles) similar?

They are all shapes!

Take a look at the different shapes below!


Learn more about them and the particular groups to which they belong!

  • Do you see the orange?


  • Do you see the cereal?


  • Do you see the pasta?


These things are all called food! Foods are things that you eat.

Take a look at the picture below of children eating different foods.

kids eating

  • Can you see all the different types of food?

Learn more about their special group name!

  • Do you see the little elephant?

cartoon elephant

  • Do you see the little lion?

cartoon lion

  • Do you see the little deer?

cartoon deer

  • What is the same about these things?

They are all animals!

Take a look at more little animals below.


  • Do you see all the different animals?

Great work!

  • Did you know that things can also be sorted or grouped by their color?

Watch the video below to learn all about sorting objects by color!

Image - Video

Many things you see are parts of a particular group!

These groups have names like shapes, animals, food, and more!

Go to the Got It? section to practice what you've learned!

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