Identifying Independent and Dependent Clauses

Contributor: Heather Cameron. Lesson ID: 13735

Sentences are made up of clauses. Clauses contain a subject and a verb, but sometimes clauses do not form a complete thought. How do we know? Let’s find out!



English / Language Arts
learning style
personality style
Golden Retriever
Grade Level
High School (9-12)
Lesson Type
Quick Query

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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Take a look at these song titles.

"Since U Been Gone" by Kelly Clarkson

"While My Guitar Gently Weeps" by the Beatles

"When We Were Young" by Adele

  • What do they all have in common?

All the titles of the songs are called dependent clauses!

  • What is a dependent clause?
  • What even is a clause?

When you hear the word clause, you might think of a cat's nails or the holiday season with Santa.

This lesson is not about cats' claws or Santa Claus but about something you use that affects your everyday life — clauses in your sentences!

  • What are independent and dependent clauses?

First, look at the words independent and dependent.

  • How would you describe an independent person?
  • How would you describe a dependent person?

Grab a sheet of paper and fold it in half. On one side, list the qualities of an independent person and those of a dependent one on the other.

Your paper may look something like this.


Thoughts and sentences are made of independent and dependent clauses.

As you noted in your list, dependent clauses — like dependent people — cannot stand alone. They cannot stand alone because they do not form a complete thought.

On the other hand, independent clauses can stand alone just like independent people. They form a full thought.

Here are some examples of both.

Independent Clauses

She wore pink bunny slippers.

The turtle has a hard shell.

Dependent Clauses

while the clown was juggling bowling pins

even though he ate the broccoli

You should notice how the independent clauses are complete sentences that convey a complete thought. You can read each and understand the whole meaning.

The dependent clauses, however, are not complete sentences. They do not convey a complete thought that can be understood.

Keep going in the Got It? section with some practice activitites.

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