Contributor: Jonathan Heagy. Lesson ID: 12672
Does math seem like a big plot that you battle with? You might be surprised at how well you can function when you make it a game! Once you coordinate a game of Battleship with a friend, you'll get it!
If you haven't, you can read about it at Battleship (game), from Wikipedia.
If you have played before, then you know that Battleship is an exciting strategy game and intense battle of wits! What you may not know, however, is that when you were playing, you were doing a form of math!
The math component of Battleship comes from the plotting of points!
Placing points on the grid to keep track of guesses within the game is exactly like plotting points on the coordinate plane! Before you can play any game of Battleship, though, you need to learn more about the different parts of the coordinate plane. The definitions that you need are:
Coordinate another name for an ordered pair in the form (x,y)
Coordinate plane the 2D plane used to graph coordinates or equations
Quadrants the four sections of a coordinate plane named using Roman numerals
Axis (x and y) the fixed reference lines for coordinates on the coordinate plane; x is the horizontal line and y is the vertical line
Relation a set of ordered pairs
Function a relation in which every x-coordinate matches with exactly one y-coordinate
Domain the set of all possible x-coordinate values
Range the set of all possible y-coordinate values
Linear when a relation forms a straight line when graphed on a coordinate plane
Below is a coordinate plane with labeled parts!
Image courtesy of
To plot a coordinate on the coordinate plane, begin at the origin. You can reference the origin in the image above! Begin by moving across the x-axis to the number corresponding to the first value in the coordinate you are graphing. If your point is (4,3), move over 4 spaces to the right. Next, move up 3 on the y-axis, ending at our point of (4,3).
Great! Now, you're ready to plot points anywhere!
Move on to the Got It? section, where you're going to focus in on the vocabulary you just learned.