Contributor: Samantha Penna. Lesson ID: 11785
What shape are your detective skills in? Can you detect patterns in the way things are arranged? If you know your shapes, you are on your way! You will choose from a list of art projects to practice!
In the previous lesson in our Patterns series, found under Related Lessons in the right-hand sidebar, you learned how to identify and create color patterns.
This lesson focuses on patterns that are made out of shapes. As you can see below, the pattern has two different shapes. It has triangles and squares. You will be looking at the colors and the shapes in the patterns found throughout this lesson.
The pattern below has yellow triangles and green squares.
The pattern goes like this: yellow triangle, green square, yellow triangle, green square, yellow triangle, green square.
The repeating colors and shapes create a pattern:
Look at some more patterns. Check out the pattern below.
Share your answers with your parent or teacher:
Share your answer with your parent or teacher.
Great work! The pattern is: yellow triangle, blue circle, orange star, yellow triangle, blue circle, orange star.
This pattern repeats two times.
You successfully practiced identifying the shapes and colors in patterns, and identified a pattern.
In the Got It? section, you will be looking at some more shape and color patterns. You will be identifying the colors and shapes in each pattern and identifying the pattern. Move on to the Got It? section to get some perfect pattern practice!