The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe: Post Reading

Contributor: Melissa LaRusso. Lesson ID: 11731

Finishing reading a good novel can feel like a letdown; all the excitement's over. A lapbook allows you to savor the story after you're done and reinforce what you've learned. Complete yours at last!


Literary Studies

learning style
personality style
Grade Level
Intermediate (3-5)
Lesson Type
Dig Deeper

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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Who do you feel was the bravest character in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, and why? What compelling lesson(s) did you learn from this novel?

Congratulations on completing The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe!

Throughout this lesson series, you have explored many literary elements, including theme and plot structure.

The theme you discussed in earlier lessons is the battle between good and evil. In the end, which force prevailed? Yes, good triumphed over evil as we saw Aslan defeat the White Witch.

Did you notice any other themes as you read this novel? Tell your parent or teacher other themes that stood out to you.

You may have said betrayal is the greatest wrong one can do, based on Edmund's role in the story. Another theme that is prevalent in the novel is compassion and forgiveness. The ability to forgive others who have harmed you is a great virtue (showing high moral standards) demonstrated in this novel. Share with your parent or teacher an example of compassion or forgiveness from the novel.

The other literary element you explored in this novel study was plot structure that follows five elements. Share with your teacher or parent what these five elements are and define them. Begin with the exposition of the story and give an example. If you need a reminder, below are the five elements:

  1. Exposition is where the background and characters are introduced.
  2. Rising action consists of the events leading up to point in the story with the most interest, excitement, or suspense.
  3. Climax is the pivotal point in the story with the greatest interest and action.
  4. Falling action occurs after the climax and after a resolution has been made.
  5. Resolution is the final closing at the end of the story.

Move on to the Got It? section to complete the lapbook you have developed throughout this series.

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