The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe: Chapters 16-17

Contributor: Melissa LaRusso. Lesson ID: 11730

Have you ever heard a story or joke that left you hanging, wondering what the ending was? A compelling story will tie up the loose ends. Learn about falling action and resolution, the final wrap-up!


Literary Studies

learning style
personality style
Grade Level
Intermediate (3-5)
Lesson Type
Dig Deeper

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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Why do you think Aslan made such a great sacrifice for Edmund? Do you find it compelling or inspirational?

In the previous Related Lessons, found in the right-hand sidebar, you learned there are five elements to a plot structure.

Can you remember all five elements? Use the diagram you created in your lapbook to review the elements if you need to. Tell your parent or teacher these five elements.

To review, these are the five elements of plot structure:

  1. Exposition is where the background and characters are introduced.
  2. Rising action consists of the events leading up to point in the story with the most interest, excitement, or suspense.
  3. Climax is the pivotal point in the story with the greatest interest and action.
  4. Falling action occurs after the climax and after a resolution has been made.
  5. Resolution is the final closing at the end of the story.

If you are unsure of what each element means, revisit the previous lesson and watch the instructional videos again.

In this lesson, you will read the final two chapters and identify the falling action and the resolution.

Continue to the Got It? section to explore the final elements of plot in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.

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