Counting from Ten to Twenty

Contributor: Samantha Penna. Lesson ID: 11682

How many fingers do you have? That's right, 10! How many fingers and toes do you have? You'll have to count higher than 10 for that! Join the Singing Walrus and play a game to learn to count to 20!


Counting and Cardinality

learning style
personality style
Grade Level
Primary (K-2)
Lesson Type
Quick Query

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How high can you count? How many fingers and toes do you have?

Numbers can be used to show how much of a certain thing there is.

For example, look at all of the pine cones below. We can use the number 3 to represent how many pine cones there are. There are 3 pine cones.

  • Can you count them?

3 pinecones

Watch the video below to see what written numbers from 1 to 20 look like. You will also hear how the numbers sound. Count along with Counting Numbers | Numbers 1-20 Lesson for Children by The Singing Walrus - Songs for Kids:

Image - Video


You did a great job counting along!

Take out a sheet of paper and a pencil. Once you have your materials ready, read on!

You already know your numbers 1 through 10. Practice writing your numbers from 1 to 10 at the top of your paper. Count aloud to make sure you wrote down all ten numbers. Your paper should look like the one below:

1 to 10

Great! You practiced writing and saying your numbers from 1 to 10. Now you will learn to count from 10 to 20.

You already know what the number 10 looks and sounds like. Count the teddy bears below.

  • How many are there?

10 teddy bears

Tell your parent or teacher. That's right! There are 10 bears.

After 10 comes the number 11. Count the soccer balls below.

  • How many are there?

11 soccer balls

Share your answer with your parent or teacher. Great work! You counted to 11. Write the number 11 on your paper.

The number 12 is the number that comes after 11. Count the rockets below.

  • How many rockets are there?

12 rocket ships

Tell your parent or teacher. That's correct! There are 12 rockets. Write the number 12 on your paper.

After 12 comes the number 13. Count the blocks below.

  • How many are there?

13 blocks

Share your answer with your parent or teacher. That's right! There are 13 blocks. Write the number 13 on your paper.

Do you know what comes after 13? That's right! The number 14 comes after 13. Count the cars below.

  • How many are there?

14 cars

Share your answer with your parent or teacher. Great work! There are 14 cars. Write the number 14 on your paper.

Do you know what comes after 14? Tell your parent or teacher. That is correct! The number 15 is after 14. Count the balloons below.

  • How many are there?

15 balloons

Share your answer with your parent or teacher. Great work! There are 15 balloons. Write the number 15 on your paper.

After 15 comes the number 16. Count the snakes below.

  • How many are there?

16 snakes

Share your answer with your parent or teacher. That's right! There are 16 snakes. Write the number 16 on your paper.

Do you know what comes after 16? The number 17 comes next. Count the cookies below.

  • How many are there?

17 cookies

Share your answer with your parent or teacher. That's right! There are 17 cookies. Write the number 17 on your paper.

Next is the number 18. Count the flowers below.

  • How many flowers are there?

18 flowers

Tell your parent or teacher. Great work! There are 18 flowers. Write the number 18 on your paper.

After 18 comes the number 19. Count the monkeys below.

  • How many monkeys did you count?

19 monkeys

Share your answer with your parent or teacher. Great work! There are 19 monkeys. Write the number 19 on your paper.

The number 20 comes after 19. Count the leaves below.

  • How many leaves are there?

20 leaves

Share your answer with your parent or teacher. Great work! You counted 20 leaves. Write the number 20 on your paper.

Wow! You did a wonderful job counting to 20. Move on to the next section to play some fun number games!

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