Ending Sounds

Contributor: Melissa LaRusso. Lesson ID: 11180

ListeninG for and learninG endinG sounds helps your speakinG, readinG, and writinG! Visit Ending Sound Beach, watch the Ending Sound Game video, and play a matching game to learn the worD enD sounD!



learning style
Auditory, Visual
personality style
Grade Level
Primary (K-2)
Lesson Type
Quick Query

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Listen to these words:

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  • Are they the same word?
  • Do they begin the same?
  • Do they end the same?

You may have said that bad and bag are different words.

They begin with the same sound: /b/.

They have the same /a/ sound.

They end with different sounds.

In this lesson, you will begin to listen for the ending sounds in words.

When you are able to identify the beginning and ending sounds in words, you will become more confident as a writer, reader, and speller.

As you watch the video below, try to name the ending sounds and letters with the characters in the video. At the end of the video, try to find the letter that matches the ending sound you heard.

Phonics Ending Sounds | Learn Phonics For Kids | Alphabet Sounds video from Pebbles Kids Learning:

Image - Video

  • Were you able to name the ending sounds that matched the pictures in this video?

Move on to the next section when you are ready to explore more ending sounds!

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