Contributor: Danielle Childers. Lesson ID: 11153
Are you ready for a creative, fun, useful, clever, tasty, thoughtful, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious lesson on using describing words? Then get a pencil and some snacks, and discover adjectives!
If writers are excellent, you can feel, see, and almost smell whatever they describe.
Describing words, called adjectives, makes a story much more exciting to read!
List all the adjectives you hear as you watch this video describing words.
Read each sentence below. Think about what adjectives you could add to make the sentences more descriptive and help the reader create more of a picture in their head.
Check out these possible sentences.
Creating sentences with adjectives is fun!
Listen to a read-aloud video of the book Hairy, Scary, Ordinary by Brian P. Cleary.
Keep going in the Got It? section!