Writing the Conclusion Paragraph

Contributor: Melissa LaRusso. Lesson ID: 11045

"The problem with this sentence is." Yes, there's no conclusion! The conclusion of an essay ties it all together and leaves the reader with an impression. Make it a good one by completing this lesson!



English / Language Arts
learning style
personality style
Lion, Beaver
Grade Level
Middle School (6-8)
Lesson Type
Dig Deeper

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Would you agree with the sentence in the picture below?

I am a writer

Throughout this lesson series, you have developed your writing skills.!

You should feel more confident answering the above question with, "Yes, I am a writer!"

Welcome to the third and final Related Lesson in the Writing Essays series. In the last Related Lesson, found in the right-hand sidebar, you learned that a body paragraph is developed by focusing on a topic sentence centered around one specific thought or idea.

In this lesson, you will develop the concluding paragraph of your essay. The concluding paragraph is one of the most important parts of your writing. In the conclusion, you are able to tie all of your thoughts and ideas together. You are able to prove your point, persuade the reader, and leave the reader with a lasting impression.

Remember, you will develop a five-paragraph essay. You should have completed all previous Related Lessons in this series. If you have not, please go to the right-hand sidebar now to do so.

Let's begin this lesson by watching the end of Writing Ninjas: How To Write A Five-Paragraph Essay video (below), which you began in the previous lesson.  (If you need to review the beginning of the video, simply drag its navigation bar to the left.)

As you watch the video, take notes on the components needed to create a good concluding paragraph in a five-paragraph essay. When you have finished watching the video, share your notes with your parent or teacher to make sure you have recorded and understood the key elements of your conclusion:

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In this lesson, you will begin crafting the fifth and final paragraph of your essay. Before you move on to the next section, take a few minutes to review your writing from the two previous Related Lessons.

Now is the perfect time to make any revisions or add new information. Ask your parent or teacher to read your writing out loud as you read to yourself. Reading the paper backwards (not literally backwards, but from the last sentence to the first) is also a good editing strategy. Make any necessary changes and move on to the next section.

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