Lunar Cycle: Phases of the Moon

Contributor: Victoria Surface. Lesson ID: 10502

Have you heard the saying, "He's just going through a phase"? The moon goes through phases, too. With videos, graphics, games, and calendars, learn about why the moon seems to change its face!


Space Science and Astronomy

learning style
Auditory, Kinesthetic, Visual
personality style
Lion, Beaver
Grade Level
Intermediate (3-5)
Lesson Type
Dig Deeper

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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Step outside on a clear night, and you'll likely see a bright, shining object in the sky — the moon. The moon has fascinated people for ages, and there is so much more to it than meets the eye.

  • Have you ever noticed how the moon changes its shape?

These changing shapes are known as moon phases, and they add an enchanting twist to our lunar companion. Explore the moon's mysteries, uncover the secrets behind its phases, and discover what makes it such a beautiful celestial body.

Get ready for an astronomical adventure that will leave you starry-eyed!

There is only one moon that orbits the earth.

  • Why does it appear larger or smaller on different days?
  • Why does it appear to change its shape?
  • What part does the sun play in how the moon appears?

As you explore the lunar cycle and the moon's phases, take notes on the Graphic Organizer – Notes found in the Downloadable Resources in the right-hand sidebar.

To get started, read What Are the Moon's Phases? and watch the video below.

Image - Video

Define these terms in your notes and then answer the questions that follow.

  new moon waxing crescent first quarter waxing gibbous
  full moon waning gibbous third quarter waning crescent


  • Why does the moon look different on different days?
  • How often does the moon revolve around the earth?
  • What do you see when the earth is between the moon and the sun?
  • What is a crescent moon?
  • What is a gibbous moon?

Great work!

  • Have you ever wondered why the moon is sometimes visible during the day?

A NASA scientist has the answer in the following video!

Image - Video

  • What do people mean when they say “once in a blue moon”?

NASA has the answer for that one too! Read about the Supermoon, Blood Moon, Blue Moon and Harvest Moon.

Add to your notes before moving on the next phase of this lesson in the Got It? section.

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