Human Body - Skeleton

Contributor: Victoria Surface. Lesson ID: 10474

Make no bones about it; without your skeleton, you would lay on the ground like a deflated balloon! Watch videos, fill out charts, join Bill Nye and do a project to learn about the skeletal system!


Life Science

learning style
personality style
Lion, Otter
Grade Level
Intermediate (3-5)
Lesson Type
Dig Deeper

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Could you dance without your bones?

Bones support the human body. They have an important function in the overall system of the body. What are the main bones of the human body? How do they support us each day? What are the functions of the bones? In this lesson, you will explore the skeletal system as a part of the human body. 

1. Watch How Your Bones and Skeleton Works (below) As you watch, pause the video to take notes using the Graphic Organizer – Notes found in the Downloadable Resources in the right-hand sidebar. Use the questions below as a guide to assist you in note taking:

  • What are the three main jobs of the bones? 
  • What are bones made of? 
  • How many bones are in the human skeleton? 
  • What are the two different kinds of bones? 
  • What do joints do? 
  • How do bones fix themselves when they are broken? 

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2. Read The Skeleton Facts at As you read, continue to take notes on facts about the skeletal system on the Graphic Organizer - NotesThe questions below may assist you in note taking:

  • What is the function of bones? 
  • How do bones move? 
  • Describe the inside and outside of bones. 
  • What is the function of bone marrow? 
  • How many bones can be found in the skull? What is the function of the skull? 
  • What are the bones of the spine called? What does the spine protect? 
  • What is the function of the rib cage? 
  • How many bones can be found in the wrist, hand, and fingers? 
  • What are the finger bones called? 
  • How can bones break? 

3. Study the names of the main bones in the body using Human Anatomy - Skeleton (BBC). 

4. Watch Bill Nye The Science Guy on Bones (below). As you watch, pause the video to continue taking notes on the Graphic Organizer – Notes Use the questions below as a guide to assist you in note taking. 

  • What are the strongest bones in the human skeleton? 
  • How many bones are in each ear? What are their names? 
  • What kinds of joints do we have in our hands? What do they allow us to do? 
  • Where are the ball and socket joints in the human body? What is the function of the ball and socket joint? 
  • What are fixed joints and where are some located on the human body? 

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