The Comma: The Punctuation Device That Can Save Your Life!

Contributor: Kristen Gardiner. Lesson ID: 10427

No ice cream! No, ice cream! Which would YOU prefer? You'll learn all the rules for commas before playing online games and creating a Comma PSA to help others understand just how important commas are!



English / Language Arts
learning style
personality style
Grade Level
Intermediate (3-5)
Lesson Type
Dig Deeper

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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The Comma — The punctuation device that can save your life!

Take a look at the sentence above again.

We are going to learn to cut and paste kids!

I'm sure the kids wouldn't appreciate being literally cut-and-pasted. A simple comma can save them from serious discomfort!

We are going to learn to cut and paste, kids!

The comma is not just a useful piece of punctuation that helps improve sentence structure; it can completely change the meaning of a group of words. By the conclusion of this lesson, you may find that the comma is your best friend.

Here is another example of our shy, mild-mannered little friend swooping in to save the day.

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  • What are the rules for using our good friend the comma?

Rule One

Use commas to separate independent clauses (clauses that can stand alone because they have their own subject and predicate) when they are joined by any of these seven coordinating conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.

  • What does this mean?

You must use a comma when forming a compound sentence.

I am going to the store, but Sean is staying home.

independent clause

But is one of the seven coordinating conjunctions, and it is used to join these two clauses.

independent clause

When you join these two independent clauses with the coordinating conjunction but, you must use a comma.

Rule Two

Use commas after introductory dependent clauses and introductory phrases.

Introductory dependent clauses help to set the scene for the action or big news of the main clause. Remember, dependent clauses CANNOT stand alone.

These are usually adverb clauses.

introductory dependent clause

Introductory phrases also set the stage for the main action of the sentence, but they are not complete clauses.

Phrases don't have a subject and a verb separate from the subject and verb in the sentence's main clause.

introductory phrase

Words that come before the main clause. Use a comma after introductory words like however, still, furthermore, meanwhile, and please.

Louie was relieved that the sign was only a misprint. Meanwhile, the children in Mr. Payne's computer class learned how to use the cut-and-paste features in MS Word.

Please, stop leaving your dirty socks on the dining room floor!

Don't forget to use a comma with interjections when the feeling's not strong!

Rats, I forgot my science book.

This same rule also applies when you directly address someone in a sentence.

Bob, shut the door.

Rule Three

Use a pair of commas in the middle of a sentence to set off clauses, phrases, and words that don't impact the sentence's meaning. Use one comma before to indicate the beginning of the pause and one at the end to indicate the end of the pause.

An example of this can be an appositive, a group of words that act as an adjective phrase to describe the subject.

Mr. Styles, my next-door neighbor, works for the power company.

In this example, my next-door neighbor has nothing to do with the sentence's meaning. The only function of this group of words is to explain further the identity of Mr. Styles.

Rule Four

Do not use commas to set off essential elements of the sentence, such as clauses beginning with that (relative clauses). That clauses after nouns are always essential.

The car that is parked by the back door belongs to my brother.

That clauses that follow a verb expressing mental action are always essential.

Daniel is driving that car while he is in the shop.

In both cases, the that clause answers the question, "Which?," making it essential to the sentence.

Rule Five

Use commas to separate three or more words, phrases, or clauses written in a series.

Here is a BAD example.

Susan enjoys cooking her family and her dog.

This sentence gives the impression that Susan enjoys cooking strange things when, in fact, there are three separate things listed.

This sentence should read as follows.

Susan enjoys cooking, her family, and her dog.

Rule Six

Use commas to separate two or more adjectives that describe the same noun. Be sure never to add an extra comma between the final adjective and the noun.

Nothing beats the amazing, diverse comma regarding punctuation.

Here, two exclusive adjectives describe the same noun.

Rule Seven

Use commas to set off all geographical names, items in dates (except the month and day), addresses (except the street number and name), and titles in names.

  • (city, state) New Brunswick, New Jersey
  • (city, country) Milan, Italy
  • (landmark, state) Empire State Building, New York
  • (day, date)
  • Tuesday, September 12
  • (street, apartment or suite number) 135 Main St., Suite 102
  • (city, state) Anchorage, Alaska
  • (name, title)
  • Mary, Queen of Scotts
  • Henry Higgins, Jr.
  • Margaret R. Gardiner, Esquire

Rule Eight

Use a comma to shift between the writing and a quotation.

This could be in a piece of fiction where the quotation indicates dialogue between two or more characters, or it may be used in non-fiction to show the use of another person's (usually an expert) exact words to help prove a point.

"Good morning, Mr. Smith," Sean sang as he strolled into the building on the last day before summer vacation. "And a fine morning to you as well, Sean," Mr. Smith replied with equal emotion.

Dr. Smith states in his latest book, Mysteries of the Deep, "The elusive narwhal is the unicorn of the sea" (1010).

Rule Nine

Use a comma near the end of a sentence to separate contrasted elements or to show an intentional, even DRAMATIC, pause.

Bob is coming for dinner, isn't he?

Sean is so peaceful when he sleeps, angelic almost.

Peter is doing quite well in math this year.

There are some other rules when it comes to using commas because, with a device that is so super amazing, there are bound to be more uses. For now, however, you are well on your way to saving lives and improving your writing.

So, intrepid student, continue on to the Got It? section for some interactive, educational fun!

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