Contributor: Marlene Vogel. Lesson ID: 10225
Have you ever seen a weather map in the papers? Were there colorful lines and bars and pictures with numbers? Those are charts and graphs, easy ways of showing data. Learn to read and draw your own!
Take a look at the picture below:
It's called a chart, or graph!
If you read the title, you know it is information about Students' Favorite Food.
You can enjoy reading in all areas of life!
Even while you are learning different subjects in school, you are practicing reading. Remember, reading helps us to understand information.
Often, when reading, the words are teaching us new information and skills.
You can also learn and understand information from what are called graphical elements. That is a big term but one that is easy to understand, and it is one that you are already familiar with but don't know it!
Below are three examples of graphical elements you have probably seen in some of your school subjects:
A timeline is a picture that tells us the history of someone or something in the order of time.
The timeline above shows the events that will happen during the morning on a school day. This timeline starts at 7:00 am with this student waking up and goes all the way to noon when this student eats lunch.
Next, take a look at this TeacherTube video about Timelines! You'll learn some new vocabulary words!
A diagram is a picture of something that has labels with it to show the different parts of the object.
Above is a diagram of a flower. Notice that it has labels telling you what the different parts of the flower are.
The following is a video about the Parts of a Flower - Functions ...for Kids , Kindergarten, Preschoolers from
A chart is a picture that illustrates data. In other words, a chart takes information that is written in numbers and shows that information in a picture.
Above is an example of a bar chart. There are several other types of charts you can use in math, but for this lesson, we will only use the example of the bar chart.
Here is a video called Learn Reading Bar Graphs. Math video tutorial for children from
So far, you've learned about timelines, diagrams, and charts, like a bar graph. In today's lesson, you are going to learn how to understand information by looking at a chart.
The best way to learn this skill is for you to put together a chart for other people to read. The best way to put together a chart is to perform an experiment so you have information of your own to show in a different way.
You are going to do an experiment on height and distance. Height is how tall an object is, and distance is how far an object travels.
The experiment you will do involves using LEGO® bricks, a piece of wood or cardboard to use as a ramp, a toy car, and a measuring tape.
Use the slideshow below to help you do your experiment. Once you have completed your experiment and filled out your datasheet, you will come back to this lesson to learn how to turn the number data from your experiment into a bar graph.
Below is an example of the measurements you could have from your experiment. (This is only an example and will be different from your data.)
You are going to use the numbers from your data sheet to make a chart.
Before you draw your own bar chart, watch the Math & Learning Videos 4 Kids Bar Graphs for 2nd Grade Kids - Create your own Bar Graph video below. This video will show you how to put together your bar chart:
Now that you have watched the video, it is time to draw your own bar chart!
Looking at your chart, answer the following questions:
Congratulations! Now that you can put your own chart together, you can read one, too! You now know how charts work and how to read them.
Race on to the Got It? section and try reading a chart!