Predicting What Will Come Next

Contributor: Danielle Childers. Lesson ID: 10205

What will happen next? How can you guess? Discover ways to find clues in what you read in order to predict what will happen next!



learning style
Auditory, Visual
personality style
Lion, Otter, Golden Retriever
Grade Level
Intermediate (3-5)
Lesson Type
Quick Query

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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  • Have you seen the movie Back to the Future?

The original movie was made in 1985, and the creators of the movie predicted what life would be like in the year 2015. Here are some of their predictions: 

There would be flying cars, lace-tying shoes, hoverboards, and the Cubs would win the World Series. 

  • Did all of these predictions come true?

Sadly, those predictions did not come true.

A prediction is an educated guess, and, as in the case of Back to the Future, some predictions are wrong, but some can be true.

When reading, it helps for the reader to try to predict what will happen in a story, based on details in the story. A good reader will look for clues to predict what will happen.

When you are watching this Reading Strategy: Prediction video, follow along to see how the boy uses clues to make prediction about the story he is about to read.

Image - Video

To explore more about making predictions, take a look at the presentation below. Read through each slide and make sure to try out the examples.

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  • Are you ready to see how good your prediction skills are?

Grab a piece of paper and a pencil, and head over to the Got It? section!

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