Geometry Fundamentals

Contributor: Stefani Allegretti. Lesson ID: 14196

Planes, points, lines, oh my! Get ready to explore the fundamentals of one of the oldest forms of math in existence, geometry!


Geometry, Math, Middle School

learning style
Auditory, Visual
personality style
Otter, Golden Retriever
Grade Level
Middle School (6-8)
Lesson Type
Quick Query

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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  • Did you know geometry is one of the oldest forms of math?

In fact, it is more than 2,000 years old!


One of the simplest and most fundamental parts of geometry is the point, represented by a simple dot.

  • How can something so simple be so important?

Watch this fun video to find out!

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Now that you know the fun and unique history of geometry, get ready to explore it in more detail!

Another important geometry concept is the plane. When you read the word plane, you might think of an airplane.

However, in the world of geometry, a plane is something different.

A plane can be envisioned as a piece of paper floating in space.

paper floating in the sky

Before you learn about the concept of a plane, explore some aspects of geometry that help to define a plane.

Watch this video to learn more!

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As you learned, a point is essentially a location

A line is a straight path that extends forever in two directions.


A line segment is a part of a line that has a beginning and an end or two endpoints.

line segment

A ray has a beginning point and an arrow on the other end that goes on forever in one direction.

a ray

Now that you know these important terms, it's time to explore the plane!

A plane has length and width. It is a flat, two-dimensional surface that continues out in all directions forever.

Here is one example of a segment of a plane.

geometric plane rectangle

Watch this video to learn more about planes!

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You've learned the following facts about planes.

  • They are two-dimensional.
  • They are flat.
  • They have length and width.
  • They can be defined using at least 3 points.
  • They go on forever.

Nice work!

There is just one more important term to explore. It's infinity!

Infinity is an idea. It represents something that has no end or goes on forever and ever. The infinity symbol looks like a sideways number 8.

infinity symbol

  • What have you learned that goes on forever and has no end?

Well, a line!

  • What else can you think of that goes on forever and has no end?

As far as you know, the universe!

Watch this video to learn more about infinity.

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Excellent work, geometry superstar!

It's time for a bit of practice!

Look at the image below.

grid with dots and lines

See if you can answer these questions.

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You learned a lot about the basics of geometry.

Move to the Got It? section to see what you remember.

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