Mixing It Up With Addition and Subtraction!

Contributor: Stefani Allegretti. Lesson ID: 14125

Practice makes perfect with addition and subtraction! Get ready to have fun as you practice adding and subtracting numbers within 20!


Elementary, Whole Numbers and Operations

learning style
Auditory, Visual
personality style
Otter, Golden Retriever
Grade Level
Primary (K-2)
Lesson Type
Skill Sharpener

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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  • Did you know that baby elephants practice standing and walking?

Check out this little one practicing!

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Practice makes perfect!

It is no different with math!

Practicing mixed addition and subtraction problems will make you a math wiz in no time.

  • Are you ready to practice?

Get ready, get set, go!

Addition and subtraction problems are a lot like solving puzzles!

When you add, you are solving a problem to find out how many more you had than before.

When you subtract, you find how many are left.

The plus sign + tells you that you should add.

The minus sign - tells you that you should subtract.


Watch this song about adding and subtracting and sing along!

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Time to practice!

Pretend you are at a circus.


You have a bag of 10 peanuts.

You decide to give an elephant four peanuts.

circus elephant

  • How many peanuts do you have left in your bag?

10 - 4 =?

It's time to subtract to find out how many peanuts are left in the bag!

One way to subtract is to count back.


10 - 4 = 6!

There are 6 peanuts left in your bag.


Watch this video about counting back to subtract!

Image - Video

There are other ways to subtract, too.

You can make a ten or break a number down to subtract.

Now, try an addition problem.

A monkey is juggling 6 balls.

monkey juggling

Then, he gets 4 more balls.

  • How many balls does the monkey have altogether?

6 + 4 = ?

One way to solve this problem is to count up!


6 + 4 = 10

The monkey is juggling ten balls!

You can also make a ten to add.


Try one more!

At the circus, sometimes giraffes walk around with balloons!

Giraffe with balloons


This giraffe is holding 5 balloons.

Two of the balloons get loose and fly away. Oh no!

  • How many balloons does the giraffe have left?

5 - 2 = ?

  • What type of math problem is this?

It is a subtraction problem!

You are finding out how many balloons the giraffe has left.

You can count back to subtract.

Start from 5 and count back 2.


There are 3 balloons left.

Way to go!

The giraffe has five balloons and then gets two more.

Time to add!

5 + 2 = ?

  • How many balloons does the giraffe have now?

5 + 2 = 7!

Awesome work, math wiz!

It's time to move on to the Got It? section for more practice and fun!

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