Contributor: Jay Gregorio. Lesson ID: 13226
Is somebody tracking your every move? Can they hear what you say and monitor what you do? Are they reading your private messages? If you use a cell phone, they can! Find out how and what you can do.
In 1990, 11 million people had a cell phone. By 2020, 2.5 billion people had a cell phone. Today, it is unlikely for someone to NOT have a cell phone.
We use our cell phones every day to make calls, send messages, check social media, settle debates with IMDb, and so much more. Our cell phones give us unlimited access to the internet and provide a sense of control over our digital lives.
As these handheld devices have evolved, the excitement to have the best and newest device with fancy cameras and apps for everything is undeniable.
Unfortunately, not everyone understands that agreeing to all those "Terms and Conditions" for every application or feature you use is the same as saying, "Yes, you can access all my information, including my location!"
Let's find out in this lesson!
It is true. Personal computers offer much more control in terms of protecting your privacy, but they are nowhere near as convenient as cell phones.
Knowing Exactly Where You Are
Criminals are not the only people who should be concerned about having their location detectable at all times.
Smartphone GPS
GPS is the Global Positioning System that can locate where you are in real-time using satellites and the application on your mobile phone. Most of us turn this feature on without giving it a second thought.
While it is fun to see yourself on the map and convenient to receive real-time directions, this information is also transmitted and accessible by your service provider and anyone else with the know-how.
Your history can also be tracked, including where you have been and how long you were in certain locations. Other vital information is also easily obtained, creating a wide range of data that can be used to interpret your behavior!
Watch How GPS Works Today, from BRIGHT SIDE:
Mobile Signal Tracking
You probably recognize that as the funny catchphrase for a cell phone provider promoting its excellent coverage. Cell towers are positioned all over in order to provide that coverage.
When you turn on your phone, it communicates with the service provider towers in the area in order to provide you with the best access to its network.
The signals your phone is continually sending to these towers can triangulate your position. Measuring how long it takes for a signal to bounce back from your phone to a few different towers can calculate your distance from each tower and pinpoint where you are.
So, as long as your phone is turned on, you are not invisible.
Bluetooth and WiFi
Every device you see listed has a unique Media Access Control (MAC) address, which is a 12-digit identifier created at the time the device was manufactured and cannot be changed with any current software.
Turning on your phone's Bluetooth and WiFi transmits these MAC numbers and allows anyone to track you.
If you are curious about WiFi, watch That's How Wi-Fi Works from BRIGHT SIDE:
Application Leaks
Of course it has! How else can it tell you where the closest Krispy Kreme is or which of your social media friends are nearby?
These apps need to share your location information in order to provide that sort of information. Makes sense, until that information is compromised and sold to others.
Is There Someone Out There Listening?
It is highly possible. Mobile devices are not designed to prevent digital eavesdropping, which is when others capture your phone signal and listen to your conversations.
As cases of hacking and cyber-attacks increase, technology companies employ encryption technology to increase security. Encryption is the process by which a message is made unreadable unless a skilled person knows how to decrypt its code.
If you would like to learn more about encryption, check out The Internet: Encryption & Public Keys from
You are not able to use any device or application without turning it on, obviously, or agreeing to their terms, which gives permission to track and store you and your information.
Be vigilant about your online activities. If you suspect someone is tracking you or listening to your conversations, it is not enough to simply turn off your phone. Remove the battery. According to experts, it makes a difference!
When you are ready, continue on to the Got It? section to explore these important concepts.