Contributor: Courtney Butler. Lesson ID: 12168
Time is divided into slices, kind of like a pizza. There are whole hours, half-hours, and quarter-hours. It's easy to tell time using these "slices" when you play these games and use these worksheets!
Such a fun fact! For those of us that do not live near an ocean, we have to learn to tell time using an analog clock or a digital clock.
We are going to dive right in and learn more about how to tell time to the nearest half-hour using analog and digital clocks.
If you missed or want a refresher on the previous lesson in our Becoming an Amazing Time-Teller series, check it out under Related Lessons in the right-hand sidebar.
Telling time to the nearest half-hour and quarter-hour can be challenging, especially when using an analog clock, because the hour hand moves as the minute hand moves around the clock.
There are so many different ways to say the time when referring to the half-hour or quarter-hour. Here are some examples:
Watch this short Learning Time Fun video explaining Telling Time for Kids, Quarter Past, Half Past, Quarter ‘Til | Clock for Kids | Tell Time in English to see a few examples of how to tell the difference:
Practice with your parent or teacher, and show him or her the different times, starting at quarter-after, moving to half-past, then to quarter-'til.
Practice choosing the right time by playing the Hickory Dickory Dock game, by James Barrett. Click on the clock that shows the time displayed at the bottom; if the time is correct, the mouse will run up the clock to get the cheese! So much fun!
Sometimes, it is easy to confuse quarter-'til with quarter-past the hour.
Talk this over with your parent or teacher, then move on to the Got It? section to play a game to review what you learned!