Contributor: Meghan Vestal. Lesson ID: 12120
Unless you work in a library, whistling while you work makes it go easier. Also, remembering why we work gives meaning to our labors. Learn why people work, and how to spend your earnings wisely!
If people didn't work, there would be no electricity, computers, chairs, police, gum, cinnamon buns, toilet tissue . . . pretty much nothing.
Each day, millions of people around the world get up and go to a job.
There are thousands of different jobs that exist. People work in offices, hospitals, schools, construction sites, parks, and many other places. People complain about disliking their jobs all the time.
You have probably heard the phrase, “Nothing in life is free.” This statement could not be truer. The house you live in, the water that comes out of your faucet, the clothes on your back, the food you eat, and the gas in the family car, all cost money. Even turning the lights on in your home costs money. People must generate an income in order to be able to afford to live. Income is money that is earned through work and investments. Income is essential to being able to buy the things we need.
While people have to work to generate income, some people work for other reasons, too. As you watch Why Do We Work?, by PBS and Braincraft, discuss the questions with your teacher or parent:
The video presents some other ideas for why people work. For example, some people work because they feel that is what they are called to do or because they get to do something that they love. Either way, a job must generate income in order to fill basic human needs such as food, clothing, and shelter.
Discuss your answer with your teacher or parent.
Then, move on to the Got It? section to learn why having an income is important.