The Indian in the Cupboard: Lesson 9

Contributor: Melissa LaRusso. Lesson ID: 11939

How do you feel about having feelings? Sure, some feelings don't feel good, like sorrow and anger. But without them, we would be like robots. Feelings help you understand and feel for characters!


Literary Studies

learning style
personality style
Grade Level
Intermediate (3-5)
Lesson Type
Dig Deeper

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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Would you try to stop Patrick from telling the headmaster about Little Bear and Boone? How would you feel if you were Omri or Patrick or the headmaster? This is not an everyday situation!

You are about to complete your reading of The Indian in the Cupboard!

The chapters you will read in this lesson are written to evoke or bring about emotions from the reader. As you read, take note of the feelings you have as you read. You may feel excitement, sadness, anticipation, or disappointment. You may even feel a little bit of all those emotions.

  • Have you read other books that created a strong feeling in you as you read them?

Tell your parent or teacher about the book and the emotions you had. Gather a pencil and paper before watching the video below to see how word choice can help to clarify meaning and provide interesting visual images.. As you watch Word Choice by Shmoop, write down three different ways to write the word "bad" to clarify the meaning. Then, write down one reason why an author chooses words carefully for his or her writing.

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Share your responses to the video with your parent or teacher.

Now, think about The Indian in the Cupboard. Name three or four events from the story and the emotions you experienced. An example could be the passage that describes Omri discovering that Patrick has brought Boone to life. In this passage, you can imagine from the author's description that Omri felt angry at Patrick and concerned for Little Bear and Boone. Find this passage and share with your parent or teacher the words that express anger and concern.

You will explore these emotions more in the Go! section, but for now, continue on to the Got It? section to complete the pre-reading activities.

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