Can I Make Changes to the Constitution?

Contributor: Meghan Vestal. Lesson ID: 11221

How is a document over 200 years old relevant today? The Founding Fathers created a Constitution that is difficult to change and rarely needs to be. Discover why that is important even today!


Civics, United States

learning style
personality style
Grade Level
Middle School (6-8)
Lesson Type
Dig Deeper

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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The Constitution has been called a living document.

  • What is meant by this phrase? 
  • How can a piece of paper be considered living?

Jump into this lesson and discover how the U.S. Constitution is alive!

  • If you disagree with something written in the U.S. Constitution, can it be changed?

Or maybe you believe there is a new law that should be added to the Constitution.

  • Do you, as an ordinary United States citizen, have the power to add additional laws to what the Founding Fathers created so many years ago?

It makes sense to allow some change in laws, especially in a growing and changing land. So, in short, the answer to both of those questions is "Yes", but both are long processes, and few changes or additions make it to the Constitution.

The Founding Fathers wanted the people to be able to revise the Constitution based on the needs of their time, but they put a process in place that prevented the Constitution from constantly being changed.

The Founding Fathers called changes to the Constitution amendments and outlined how amendments can be made in Article V of the Constitution.

Read Article V of the Constitution below. Then, write out the steps needed to amend the Constitution.

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  • Did you write the steps out in order?

Review them as you watch the video below.

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Make changes to your list if you need to.

  • Do you understand all the steps in changing the Constitution?

Move on to the Got It? section to check your list.

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