Who Was Martin Van Buren?

Contributor: Nichole Brooker. Lesson ID: 11104

Martin Van Buren's presidency is best known for . . . um . . . He's not very well-known, but he did serve his country and is worth looking at. Study his work and create your own opinions.


United States

learning style
personality style
Grade Level
Intermediate (3-5)
Lesson Type
Dig Deeper

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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Martin Van Buren learned a lot about the government by eavesdropping — listening to chats without the participants knowing they were being heard.

Discover how these conversations may have molded President Van Buren into the politician he was.

Martin Van Buren’s Life and Contributions to U.S. History

Martin Van Buren was Andrew Jackson’s best friend, vice president, and confidant.

In politics, just like in life, the relationships we create can change our lives.

  1. Write a personal narrative about a relationship you have had that has changed you in some way. This can be a teacher, family friend, relative, friend, etc.
  1. If you are able to do so, share this narrative with the person you wrote about.

Next, watch the video below to learn about President Van Buren.

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Martin Van Buren was quite a character! Write down five things you learned about him.

Then, head over to the Got It! section to compare your list of facts to the list in the next section.

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