Getting to Know Greek Gods: Minor Gods and Mortals

Contributor: Melissa Kowalski. Lesson ID: 11014

Calypso. Pan. Helen. Pandora. What do they have in common? They are all part of Greek mythology! Gods, demigods, mortals — it was a mixed bag. Get ready to star in your own myth!



learning style
Auditory, Visual
personality style
Grade Level
Middle School (6-8)
Lesson Type
Dig Deeper

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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The Titans and the Olympians may have been the central gods in Greek mythology, but they weren't the only ones to play a role — there were many other minor gods and goddesses, and even mortals had their place, too!

Explore some of these minor gods and mortals who became even more well-known than some of the major gods!

There was more to Greek mythology than the Titans and Olympians.

Dozens of lesser gods and half-mortal, half-god figures populated these myths. These lesser gods were known as demigods. There were also some very important humans.

Although these minor gods and mortals initially had a less important role in ancient Greek mythology, through the centuries, some of these stories have become more famous than those of the Olympians and Titans.

Read about each of the demigods listed below. Use the Gods and Mortals Graphic Organizer to take notes on three demigods. (Found under Downloadable Resources in the right-hand sidebar.)

  Adonis Daphne Nike
  Aeolus Demeter Pan
  Calypso Echo Persephone
  Circe Hecate  


greek gods

The demigods you just read about were still supernatural beings. Still, the mortals you're about to read about were regular humans (often with superpower-like physical traits though) who interacted with the gods in mythological stories.

Use the Gods and Mortals Graphic Organizer to add notes on three of your favorite mortals from the following list.

  Achilles Helen Odyssesus
  Arachne Heracles Pandora
  Ariadne King Midas Sisyphus
  Daedalus Narcissus  


greek gods

Now that you've learned about all these demigods and mortals, choose two of your favorite minor gods and two of your favorite mortals that you DID NOT take notes about on the Gods and Mortals Graphic Organizer.

Think about the gods' and humans' traits, what stories are associated with them, and why you like them.

You've read about a lot of demigods and mortals already. Now see two of Greek mythology's most famous mortals in action!

Watch the following two videos to see the most famous stories associated with Heracles and Odysseus.

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Move on to the Got It? section to apply your knowledge about Heracles and Odysseus and learn which characteristics of Greek mythology relate to these myths.

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