
Contributor: Elephango Editors. Lesson ID: 10272

Everybody is different from everyone else in some way. It may be gender, skin color, ethnicity, religion, personality, or wealth. How do you react to different people? Examine tolerance and yourself.


Interpersonal Skills, Life Skills

Life Skills
learning style
personality style
Lion, Otter
Grade Level
Middle School (6-8)
Lesson Type
Quick Query

Lesson Plan - Get It!

Audio: Image - Button Play
Image - Lession Started Image - Button Start

As you watch the video below, think about whether you have ever felt afraid or lonely like Charles.

Image - Video

  • Do you agree?
  • Is tolerance and acceptance really as easy as saying hello?

It's important to remember that tolerance doesn't mean accepting bad behavior but showing love to everyone regardless of differences.

Even when you do not agree with another's beliefs or decisions, it is important to show kindness and respect.

  • What are some differences people might have that lead to disrespect?

You likely thought of religion, culture, race, prejudice, and bias.

Use the Merriam-Webster dictionary to look up what each of those words means.

  • What are some similarities among the words?
  • What are some differences?

Compare and contrast at least two of the words using the Graphic Organizer - Double Bubble Map found under Downloadable Resources in the right-hand sidebar.

Then, watch the video below to learn what several famous people throughout history have said about diversity and tolerance.

Image - Video

Select two quotes from the video and explain the meaning of each in your own words.

  • What does it mean to tolerate people’s differences?
  • What skills are needed to show acceptance and respect for others?
  • What might you miss out on if you allow your fear and biases to take over and you don't take the time to get to know the person behind the differences?

Continue to the Got It? section to learn more about tolerance through music.

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