Plants and Their Parts

Contributor: Beth Price. Lesson ID: 10218

Plants just seem to sit around and not do much, but they sure are interesting when you get to know them! Learn about the life and parts of plants!


Life Science

learning style
Auditory, Kinesthetic, Visual
personality style
Grade Level
Primary (K-2)
Lesson Type
Quick Query

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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Let's jump up and get right into it!

Sing and move with the song, Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes. If you don't know the song, you can listen to it in the video below.

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  • You have different body parts that perform different functions, but did you know that a plant's parts have different functions as well?

Today, you will learn about the parts of a plant and what they do!

You are a living thing.

You have different body parts that perform different functions.

  • What parts of your body allow you to eat and drink?
  • What parts of your body allow you to walk and run?
  • With what parts of your body do you smell and hear?

Plants are living things, too!

Like a human, a plant has parts that have special functions so it can live, grow, and reproduce (make new plants like itself).

Learn about those plant parts. Print the Graphic Organizer - KWL Chart from Downloadable Resources in the right-hand sidebar.

  1. In the first column of the chart, draw or write down facts you know about plants.
  2. In the second column of the chart, draw or write what you want to know about plants.
  3. Save this chart for later in the lesson.

A plant is defined as a living thing that grows in the ground, has leaves and usually flowers, and needs sun and water to survive.

Just like you, a plant has different parts, and each part functions in a unique way that is essential for the plant's survival.

Look at the diagram of the plant below. The basic plant parts are labeled.

plant diagram

  • Flower
  • The flower of the plant is beautiful, but it also serves an important purpose in the life of a plant. The flower's color and smell attract bees.
  • Bees collect the pollen from the flower and deliver it to other plants. This is called pollination.
  • After a flower is pollinated, it produces seeds. The seeds then produce other plants.
  • Seeds
  • Seeds carry the beginning of another plant inside them. Once planted and watered, the seed will grow into a new plant.
  • Leaf
  • The main job of the leaf is to make food for the plant. The leaf does this by using sunlight for energy to take water from the ground and carbon dioxide from the air to produce sugar. This sugar nourishes the plant.
  • This process is called photosynthesis. You can learn more about photosynthesis by watching the video below.
  Image - Video


  • Stem
  • The stem has two jobs. First, the stem supports the plant and helps it stand up. Second, the stem acts as an elevator to move water to the other parts of the plant.
  • Roots
  • The roots hold the plant in place in the ground. The roots also take in water and nutrients from the ground.

Here is a fun song to sing along with about the parts of the plant.

Image - Video

Watch another video on the parts of a plant.

Image - Video

To examine real live plants at home, continue to the Got It? section!

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