Amazing Angles! Measure and Draw Angles

Contributor: Victoria Surface. Lesson ID: 10126

What's our angle? It's having fun with geometry! Have fun exploring measuring and drawing angles!


Measurement and Data, Plane Geometry (2D)

learning style
personality style
Grade Level
Intermediate (3-5)
Lesson Type
Dig Deeper

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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Angles are amazing! They are everywhere! Without them, you couldn't turn a corner or frame a picture!

Watch this fun video for a quick overview (or review!) of angles!

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  • How do you measure these angles?
  • What types of angles are there?
  • What is a protractor and how is it used?

Get ready to learn how to measure and draw angles and use a protractor!

Start learning with the video below. As you watch, answer the following questions.

  • What is a vertex?
  • How are angles named?
  • What are some examples of angles in everyday life?
  • What is a protractor used for? What does a protractor represent?
  • What is an acute angle? A right angle? An obtuse angle? A straight angle?

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  • Were you able to find all the answers?

A vertex is a point where two or more lines meet. Angles are named using three points, with the vertex point in the middle, such as ∠ABC, where B is the vertex.

Examples of angles in everyday life include the corners of a book, the hands of a clock, and the edges of a picture frame.

A protractor is used to measure and draw angles. It represents degrees from 0 to 180 or 0 to 360.

An acute angle is less than 90°. A right angle is exactly 90°. An obtuse angle is more than 90°but less than 180°. A straight angle is exactly 180°.

Find these vocabulary words in the Angle Word Search activity found in the Downloadable Resources in the right-hand sidebar.

  • Did you find all the words?

Great! Next, learn more about how to use protractors.

As you watch the video below, answer the following questions.

  • How is a piece of paper helpful when beginning to measure angles?
  • How should you begin measuring an angle on a protractor?
  • Where should the vertex of the angle be placed on a protractor?
  • How do you decide which number to use on a protractor?
  • Why is it important to align the protractor correctly?

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A piece of paper helps measure angles because it provides a straight edge to extend the sides of the angle for more accurate measurement.

You measure an angle by placing the center hole of the protractor on the vertex. Decide which number to use by following the side of the angle that starts at zero on the protractor scale.

It is important to align the protractor correctly to ensure an accurate angle measurement.

  • Are you ready to try measuring angles?

Visit the Got It? section to start working with angles!

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