7 lessons in this badge

Fact or Foe

Explore different texts to determine how best to cull fact from fallacy.

Jumpstart Reading Informational: Key Ideas and Details, Integration of Knowledge and Ideas, Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity; Writing: Text Types and Purposes

CCSS 9-10.RI.1-2, 7-10; 9-10.W.1.d

Resource Subject
1 Identifying the Main Idea in Informational Texts English / Language Arts
2 Understanding Bias in Sources Social Studies
3 Argumentation: Understanding and Classifying Logical Fallacies English / Language Arts
4 The Struggle for Equality in Writing English / Language Arts
5 Formal and Objective Style in Academic Writing English / Language Arts
6 Understanding and Evaluating Literary Nonfiction English / Language Arts
7 Understanding and Evaluating Historical Texts English / Language Arts