5 lessons in this badge

Art of Arguing

Arguing in the academic world is different than arguing with a sibling! Learn the tricks of the trade here.

Jumpstart Writing: Text Types and Purposes, Research to Build and Present Knowledge, Range of Writing
CCSS 11-12.W.1.a-c; 11-12.W.1.e; 11-12.W.2.e; 11-12.W.3; 11-12.W.8; 11-12.W.10

Resource Subject
1 Argument Writing 101: Counterclaims English / Language Arts
2 Avoiding Plagiarism English / Language Arts
3 Paper Towels vs. Hand Dryers: An Argumentative Writing Study English / Language Arts
4 Writing in Academic Tone English / Language Arts
5 Introductions and Conclusions English / Language Arts