Pollution: Why It Matters

Contributor: Roxann Penny. Lesson ID: 12762

Have your parents warned you not to play in the dirt? Would you drink dirty water, eat dirty food, or breathe dirty air? This can happen if pollution gets out of hand! Learn how you can help stop it!


Earth Science, People and Their Environment

learning style
personality style
Grade Level
Intermediate (3-5)
Lesson Type
Dig Deeper

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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  • You may already know that pollution harms the environment, but how much do you really understand about its harmful effects?

Watch this preview for a documentary about the ocean. You may be shocked at what your discover!

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  • What are your thoughts about the video trailer?
  • Were you surprised to learn about the harmful effects of plastic waste on marine life?

What Is Pollution?

Pollution occurs when the environment is contaminated with harmful substances, or pollutants.

There are many forms of pollution. However, this lesson covers the three main types of pollution: land, water, and air pollution.

Take a closer look at each one of these types of pollution.

Land Pollution

Dump of unsorted garbage

  • What are some ways in which land is polluted?

One of the most common ways land or soil is polluted is through household and industrial waste.

Household waste is the stuff that we throw away into the trash every day.

Industrial waste, as you may have guessed, is generated by industries and businesses like factories and hospitals. Industrial waste may, at times be very hazardous and may require special methods of disposal to prevent it from harming the environment.

Water Pollution

pollution lake with residuals cooper mine

Water pollution occurs when dangerous materials and toxic substances find their way into oceans, rivers, lakes, and watersheds, to name a few. This type of pollution is problematic because it can often be difficult to fix.

Also, when water sources are contaminated, large portions of a population may be negatively impacted. That's because many communities share the same sources of drinking water.

If you drink contaminated water, you can become very ill.

Air Pollution

smokestacks releasing toxins into the air

Take a slow, deep breath. You just filled your lungs with a precise combination of oxygen, nitrogen, and water vapor. This combination is designed specifically to sustain human life.

  • What do you think happens when pollutants find their way into the mix?

One outcome is that you may find it difficult to breathe properly.

Air pollution occurs when harmful substances are released into the atmosphere.

The earth's atmosphere acts like an umbrella that is made up of different gases. This umbrella, in part, helps protect the earth from the harmful effects of the sun, but it can also act as a trap for excess pollutants.

  • Can you think of one source of air pollution?

As you watch the video below, listen carefully to learn more about the three main types of pollution.

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When you are done, answer the following questions.

  • Why is pollution a global problem?
  • Can pollution be reduced or eliminated?
  • What is the best method for reducing pollution?
  • Do you currently practice any of the 3 Rs?

Next, read Pollution Has Worked Its Way Down To The World's Deepest Waters to learn the far-reaching effects of pollution in one of the most remote places on the earth: the Marina Trench.

Then, answer the following questions.

  • Were you surprised to learn about the far-reaching effects of pollution?
  • How did pollutants get into the Marina Trench?
  • What specific details in this article were most revealing to you?
  • What actions are necessary to prevent this type of pollution?

Pollution is everyone's business. When the earth's air, water, and soil are polluted, the quality of all our lives is negatively impacted.

Review the three main ways, or the 3 Rs, to reduce pollution.

  1. reuse
  2. reduce
  3. recycle

Now, listen to a song about the 3 Rs. Feel free to sing along or bust out your best dance moves!

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By now, you should be energized and ready to take action against pollution.

Continue to the Got It? section to review what you have learned so you can begin to get started on doing your part in eliminating pollution!

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