Paragraphs: Persuasive Paragraph

Contributor: Delaine Thomas. Lesson ID: 12756

When you ask for something major, someone may answer, "Why?" You need to be prepared to answer with good, solid reasons! Learn how to write powerful persuasive pieces that work better than hypnosis!



English / Language Arts
learning style
personality style
Lion, Beaver
Grade Level
Middle School (6-8)
Lesson Type
Quick Query

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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If you could hypnotize someone, who would you hypnotize and why would you do it?

Was there ever a time when you wished you could hypnotize someone to get them to let you do something or agree with you?

Before continuing, if you missed or need to review the previous Related Lessons in our Paragraphs series, find them in the right-hand sidebar.

You've probably had times when you wished you could get your brother, sister, or friend to agree with you about an activity you wanted to do. Perhaps you wanted your parents to allow you to stay up late or buy a pony. Persuasive writing and speaking can help you convince your audience to agree with your point of view, or convince them that you do need a pony or an alligator.

  1. Take out a piece of paper and pencil.
  2. As you watch Persuasive Writing for Kids: What is It?, by Teaching Without Frills, write down the three things your opinion represents and the three reasons why you try to persuade someone of something:

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When you are trying to persuade someone, you are trying to convince them to agree with what you think, feel, or believe about a topic. You are trying to get the person to believe your point of view, agree with you and do something in response to that belief, or change their way of thinking.

When writing a persuasive paragraph, your first sentence, which is the topic sentence, will state your opinion. In your second, third, and fourth sentences, you will give supporting details for your opinion. The last sentence, the conclusion, will sum up the paragraph and make one last effort to convince the person to agree with you.

When writing your supporting details, you usually list the least-important reason first and build to your most-important reason. Doing this helps build your case slowly and saves the best reason for last as your push to convince the audience to agree with you.

Read the following example of a persuasive paragraph:

I think I should be allowed to have a pet. I should have a pet because it would give me something to play with when I have free time. Also, it would teach me responsibility. In addition, I should have a pet because you promised I could have one when I was older. In conclusion, I think I should be allowed to have a pet because I am gentle and kind and you want to keep your word.

Answers these questions on a separate sheet of paper before checking your answers:

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  • Considering the audience, do you think the student gave good reasons for getting a pet? Why or why not?
  • If you could change anything in the argument, what would you change?

Reflect on these questions, then continue to the Got It? section.

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